Children need strong, healthy teeth to chew their food, speak, and smile. Your child’s teeth also help give their face its shape and keep space in the jaw for their adult teeth to come in properly. Your child’s baby’s teeth start to come in when they are about 6 months old. Baby teeth will later be lost one by one. This makes space for adult teeth. By the age of 21, a person usually has all of their adult teeth. The last 4 teeth that come in are the wisdom teeth.
The charts below tell the names of the baby and adult teeth. The pictures show when each tooth usually comes in (erupt) and is lost (shed). But not all children get the same teeth at the same times. Your child’s teeth may come in earlier or later than the ages in these charts.
Most children go through a stage when they have mixed dentition. This means that they have a mix of baby and adult teeth. During this time their smile can look uneven, with some big teeth, some small teeth, some crowded teeth, or maybe even some missing teeth. Smiles often even out once all their adult teeth are in place.
When your child is around age 7, the dentist will do a dental “growth and development check” to make sure your child’s adult teeth are coming in properly and that the back teeth are working together the way they should. Your dentist may also take an X-ray of their teeth. If your child’s teeth or bite need treatment, it’s best to get an early start.
Adult teeth start to form under the baby teeth. After the baby teeth are lost, the adult teeth will come in through the gums.