How Do Veneers Work

how do veneers work
July 11, 2024

When it comes to achieving a full smile makeover, an expert dentist in San Jose, like the professionals at Pannu Dental Group, can provide advanced dental treatments that are comfortable, long- lasting, and are designed to allow your confidence to shine.  

Moreover, one of the most common dental treatments when it comes to enhanced cosmetic dentistry is porcelain veneers. Take a look at patients who have opted for veneers, before and after, and you’ll notice an instantly whiter and more brilliant difference.

So, when it comes to dental veneers, it’s understandable that new patients have a lot of questions before the procedure officially begins. 

Our dentist specialist can answer all your questions and provide a caring and expert initial consultation to identify the dental treatments best suited for your distinctive smile makeover. In the meantime, read on to uncover the answers to common FAQs about porcelain veneers, and how the procedure works from start to finish. 

What are Dental Veneers? 

Dental veneers- or specifically porcelain veneers – are custom -crafted shells that smoothly fit over the front surfaces of your teeth. Veneers are designed to cover chips, cracks, stains, and other cosmetic imperfections that may be hurting your confidence. Additionally, porcelain veneers are designed to be ultra-thin, long-lasting, and beautifully crafted for a brighter smile. 

How Does the Porcelain Veneer Dental Treatment Work? 

During your initial appointment, our dentist specialist in San Jose or the Bay Area will examine your teeth and gums to ensure that you are a great candidate for porcelain veneers. Then, a detailed impression of your teeth will be taken to custom-create your unique porcelain veneers. They are designed to comfortably fit along the front of your teeth. 

Once your tailored veneers are ready, your cosmetic dentist will permanently bond your veneers into place using an advanced bonding agent. A small layer of enamel may be removed from the front of the teeth, but otherwise, the procedure is completely non-intrusive, and pain-free.  

One of the most significant benefits of veneers is that there is no downtime or recovery time once the procedure is complete. Instead, you’ll see an instant change as soon as you leave the dentist’s office.  In addition, you can immediately resume your normal activities, routine eating habits, and everyday busy life.  

How Long Do Dental Veneers Last? 

The most advanced dental veneers can last at least 10 to 15 years and do not require any additional maintenance. 

How Expensive are Veneers? 

Determining how much porcelain veneers cost depends on your unique treatment plan. Porcelain veneers can cost around a few hundred dollars per veneer or more. Although other types of veneers may be slightly less expensive, porcelain veneers are often seen as a better investment simply because they are so durable and have a longer lifespan.  

Dental insurance may not cover the porcelain veneer costs for cosmetic reasons alone.  However, your insurance may cover veneers if they are a medical necessity (such as if veneers are necessary to improve your bite alignment.) 

(Note: Your dentist visit may require other procedures.  Such as X-rays and an initial examination to ensure you are an ideal candidate for veneers. These aspects of your dentist visits and dental treatments may be covered by insurance.) 

What are the Pros and Cons of Dental Veneers?   

There are several advantages and disadvantages to consider when it comes to choosing dental veneers as a cosmetic or even a medical dental treatment. These pros and cons to keep in mind include the following: 

Pros of Dental Veneers 

  • Veneers can dramatically and instantly enhance your appearance and provide miles more confidence when it comes to your smile. 
  • Porcelain veneers are designed to blend in with your natural teeth, so they are an invisible improvement for a brighter and whiter smile. 
  • Veneers do not require any extra maintenance or special care. Once they have been added, you can enjoy your routine eating and oral health habits.  
  • Veneers resist staining better than natural tooth enamel, which means they won’t deteriorate and can stop progressive staining on your teeth. 
  • Veneers can last 10-15 years or more, making them a long-lasting solution to address chipped, cracked, or stained teeth. 
  • The veneer dental treatment process is stress-free and pain-free, and no recovery time is required. 

Cons of Dental Veneers 

  • Dental veneers may not be covered by dental insurance if they are a part of a cosmetic treatment alone. 
  • Dental veneers may not be the best treatment if you have other medical concerns, such as issues with your gums. 
  • You may need to lose a small amount of your natural tooth enamel for the veneers to slide over your tooth easily (however, this is not a painful process.) 
  • Some patients report having a slightly higher sensitivity to heat and cold, however, this is not always the case. 
  • Veneers are not reversible and cannot be removed – (which, arguably, is both a pro when it comes to long-term maintenance.) 

How Can I Learn More About Porcelain Veneers Near Me? 

If you are self-conscious about your smile and want to examine all the most advanced solutions available, then you should start a conversation with the team at Pannu Dental Group. 

At Pannu Dental Group, we offer a wide range of advanced cosmetic treatments to achieve the perfect smile makeover. We’ll work with you every step of the way to identify the dental treatments that are perfectly suited to your unique oral health needs and craft the most brilliant smile possible. 

Enhance Your Smile with the Best Dentist in Dublin, CA and the Bay Area

We are experts at porcelain veneers and use the best technology and materials possible. Additionally, we offer a host of additional cosmetic treatments, including teeth whitening, Invisalign for adults, cosmetic dental implants, cosmetic dental crowns, inlays and onlays, and so much more. 

Your path to a healthier and more beautiful smile begins with a thorough and caring consultation.

Reach out to Pannu Dental Group today. Let’s work together to identify your options and determine the best way to ensure that your confidence shines inside and out.  

Schedule your consultation today!  


Struggling to find time to go to the dentist for an initial consultation? Schedule your virtual dentist appointment today! 

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Dr. Dalvir S. Pannu has been a practicing dentist since 1995. In 1996 he opened his first dental practice in India, where he gained invaluable experience and acumen. In October of 1997 he was invited by the American Dental Association (ADA) to present the table clinic on Endodontics, at their annual session held in Washington, D.C. At this time he fell in love with the United States and became passionate about practicing dentistry in California. He became particularly enamored of the San Francisco Bay area, and soon took up residence and work here.